Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Use It Or Lose It

Show me a group of healthy and vibrant “super seniors,” and I’ll show you a group of people who regularly  exercise.  Like Art White, the ninety-nine year old I recently interviewed for my TV show, these individuals might not use the “e” word to describe what they do to keep moving, but move they do.  Yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch (see below) is a perfect example of this and an inspiration to anyone who needs a little push to get off the couch.


  1. Clint Eastwood still amazes me - he just keeps going and going! Age is but a number if keep young at heart and our body active.

  2. Thanks Prill. ....and I like this quote about aging:

    Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. ~Author Unknown

  3. I agree about Clint, Diane. Thanks for the quote, Eleatta. I love it!

  4. This woman is one of my favorite inspirations for what is possible as we age. She's so bright-eyed, clear, passionate, and strong. Fabulous!!

  5. I know, Bonnie. She's my newest hero.
