Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Blog Feature: My Favorite Reads for Navigating Life Transitions

I’ve added a new feature to my sidebar, a Shelfari widget that allows me to spotlight books that visitors to this blog might enjoy. This month I’ve put on the shelf Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s The Art of Possibility.

One of the most electrifying and insightful self-help books I've ever read, The Art of Possibility interweaves personal anecdotes, uplifting stories, and practical strategies for transforming professional and personal life. The photo at left gives you a hint of the Zanders' joyful energy and extraordinary partnership. In their Coda (as the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, Benjamin naturally uses musical terminology throughout the book), the two underscore their theme:
You may have come to this book looking for solutions to some very real problems, or you may have opened it as an idle traveler passing through. Before long you must have realized that the book had no intention of solving your problems, or even of letting you browse. It was interested in providing you with tools for your transformation.

From what to what? From a person who meets the challenges life serves up, to one who designs the stage on which her life plays out; from a single note to a long line, from partial to full expression, from the I to the WE.
Note: I previously mentioned this book in my March 19, 2007 posting: Finding Purpose: The Five P's.

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