The following book recommendations come from
NY Times science writer Jane Brody (
"Personal Health: In Act 2 of Life, Doing Work that Matters"):
Encore: Finding Work That Matters in the Second Half of Life (Public Affairs 2007) by Marc Freedman. The founder of both Civic Ventures and Experience Corps, "Mr. Freedman offers fresh approaches and suggests new opportunities for 60-somethings, especially in the public and nonprofit sectors."
Don't Retire, Rewire! (Alpha 2007) by Jeri-Sadlar and Rick Miners is a "step-by-step guide to help people approaching the second half of life discover their passions and purpose."
And here are two interesting articles, again from
The NY Times:
If You're Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow by Janet Rae-Dupree (7/6/08). Rae-Dupree's well-supported thesis is that people who believe that talent and intelligence are potentials that can be developed throughout one's life are far more successful than those who believe that these qualities are fixed at birth.
"A Personal Call to a Prosthetic Invention" by Carol Pogash (7/2/08) about Van Phillips, who invented the Cheetah foot that double-amputee sprinter & Olympic contender Oscar Pistorius uses. My favorite paragraph is the final one. Pogash (see photo at left) writes: "Philips also works on designing a sturdy but flexible foot for victims of land mines. The biggest obstacle, he said, is an amputee's imagination. Too many do not believe they can walk with ease or run again--until they meet Phillips or someone wearing one of his designs."
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